Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Spring poems

April and May 2013

Watching the inmates

The open page takes
everyone, just as they are.
Heads bow. Words begin.


By example—a haiku with commentary

Like leaves pulled by winds
hold tight to branched extensions
of roots holding firm.

Even before our fingers form, culture
begins to show us how—but different grips
are possible--some even letting go.


Wonder:  heart freed of thinking.
Calculation stretched to snapped

does not prevent fulsome release
for those who’ve come to see

the more
that makes it

what it is.


Dove calls alone
in early light.

Clocks pulse
the empty kitchen.

Reflection gifts
ever-embracing space

and silence.


Somehow the first of May has come and gone
a mark on a calendar unremembered 

much like myriad single breaths thoughtlessly taken
then given away that pass nonetheless

through traceless minutes’ days—but for that
slight attentive pause, just there passed.


Days stretch in summer,
lighted lingering coming
slowly to night stars.


Chanting Buddha’s name

Unfathomably vast a matrix of realms of truths
carries our each and every muttering—resonant thereof.


Coastal grasslands, swelled prairie bluffs,
tales of ancient oceans outlasted.


Saint Francis, oh, Saint Francis,
how many, many times your
image has moved me.

Your saintly qualities though,
they’re human,
aren’t they.


It took some time
to see the time
to preach
is done—so let
the poems come.


While some words say,
         poems do,
participate, engage.

Written or read,
        spoken or heard,
poems move…


What part of nothing more to do isn’t clear? Snakes,
over time, leave their skin behind. The screen-door
out to the back porch, it slams every time—mornings,
over coffee, I write; evenings burn incense and chant.



swoop in
like a boardwalk gull
to snatch up guarded bits
of joy…

then lift off
in dust and tufts
of disregard
for those

who would but share,
not swallow.
So, so sad.


Altar incense burns
a barely visible thread
of tenuous tie

to tradition
nearly faceless
save the solidity of voice

and so we mutter and chant
and sing affirmations of foundations
of living breath.


Soft pink streaks sky clearing clouds to blue.
Garden flowers toll stillness.


No one to wake
at this hour,

the barking dog

with everyone
within ear-shot;

even passing cars slow 
to hear

and not break
this living stream

rarely heard
as music.

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