Tuesday, March 18, 2025

Present-tense poems


Chanting into the rising sun, 

lagoon too distant below 

for ducks to harmonize.


Relaxing, reading Li Po,

drinking wine, wondering

where the moon will wander

till next we meet.



** ** ** **

Palm Harbor Medley, for Ted

We two


of a tree,

says everything needing saying—so,

we don’t speak of love til our seventies—

deep roots, dumb-ass silliness,

childhood, brotherhood blood,

reluctant adulthood 

bared every damn time we 

simply share our breaths.

We two, branches.



of sadnesses 

so sweet—

that us 

that was us

still is.


The red cardinal

and its mate make

a home in the palms

closest the house.

Trembled memories,

smiling tears.

They see.


Glistening shards of light, 

wherever gathered: 

mend and heal

the broken world.


Chimes, almost imperceptible 

breeze and sun-touched leaves.

The cardinal peeks. I say,

 I see you.


Breathing along alone

where you breathed. 

The sun, the weighted chill, bared arms.

I stay, do not stir, 

your presence quiet about me 


The reason I’m here.


Sometimes, maybe more, when we write 

we learn what we want to say.

Remember ? I do, this

inarticulable way pen-pushed ink seems

to speak

tells me I do, and I choose, at my peril,

a smile of slow, slow rightness, 

of unfolding ease as soft as the coo 

of the backyard doves 

that linger here

with me.


It may be too final to say, but I think,

in the end, past the talk, the tears, the dogs, 

it’s the birds, the birds’ constant presence

calls me close, then closer, frees me to call,

to chant, into morning rains, into

clearing clouds, to release.

Remembering, I will remember 

the birds.


Ted, I’d ask if you remember, but

you always remember, more.

Thank you.


** ** ** **

It occurs to me this morning

the real question is the one already

answered—not, did I sleep well, but

will I wake again ? So, now what?


morning light,

east facing hills

and the slow sheerness

of first shadows 




Hot coffee, morning

pale lit 

now winter dark


windows let sight take flight

as the world bares

its shoulders


Some days

are like long out-breaths,

low to the banks

of flowing river waters,

collecting only in whispers.


What to say, how

to say

is mind’s game—rivers


oceans tide, the earth’s tilt


sunshine-moonlight time

for us—and 

like it or not, 

we know

we can

trust it.


Rain promised,

but has not

yet arrived.

Darkened skies

hold its place,

plans not changed,

just delayed.

But, you know, 

it’s just not

the old days


just isn’t.

The small things

first, I guess.

Hard to say

what to do.

Sit, maybe

wait it out.

Just don’t know…

But wait, wait—

just don’t know, 

not knowing—

isn’t this 

what the old

masters sought

after all—

not knowing.

After all

this time,    this:

I don’t know…

this quiet

open space,

bare touching,


presence:   here.

Nothing known,

questions gone,

just this here.


Encircled by banks of fog

and cloud, passing glimmers

of clearing overhead 

give way 

to gentle sprinkles—shades 

drawn again, winter stays.


Where the light lays I’ll play.