Friday, December 22, 2017

Where words don't go

the old poet—he’s up there
where the trail gets lost in mists

where words are swallowed 
whole, is where he goes


while the weather people speak
of rain’s arrival, sky suggests 
stories with less certitude 

wherein facts of matter speak 
for themselves, despite 
presumed absurdities

native peoples hereabouts
might hear hints of coyote here


the passion vine chokes
the many branched almond tree

the way a single poetic form
could, might, rob a mind

of spring’s pledge to open growth

or maybe not


after dinner clouds 
clear enough 
for stars 
to present night-fall


to be of help
in all endeavors
to make the world
a better place

                 —John Coltrane



—for Juan Carter

I don’t keep in touch with friends very well,
save an email here and there,

some poems now and then, 
infrequent with the phone,

but do think of them

a thoroughgoing wholeness,
rim-full to a tear drop—

and now, one is gone


a tree falls in the forest
and no one is there
to hear…

well, whose ears,
which lips, anyway,
make a poem?


“rock-face prayer, in ink and water”
                         —-Jerome Rothenberg

make of me
what you will


poetry is the conversation accompanying 
the words being spoken


rain throughout the night
quits its run when hillside lights
quit the quitting night



There are the words, almost breathless
sounds I’ve heard, the curled lips 
and dusted white of what we know 
as wall flower, low to the ground 
of resonant roots whose work 
is the scent of perfume.


if giving all we have is the essence
of service, any direction everywhere


In a small sliver
of un-curtained window
in our bedroom, stars
sometimes spend the night.


like the call of geese 
coursing through our ears 

sky does touch, and we too 
touch back


The way light glistens
in running water’s play with rocks,

what can be said of the sun in this, 
of the twist and turn of creek bed ?


If the teacher’s life doesn’t speak,
how can we expect the teacher to ?


The wail first catches the throat,
tears from there the sound
needed to hold the pain.


Fallen rose petals 
lay among the almond leaves,

catch wintering mists.


And so the breeze stops, 
haltingly at first, then done,
moon, unseen, rises.


Don’t let them fool you,
those Buddhist poets were not all 
recluse Zenists—and even if,

who could tell, 
after so much 
not said ?


She doesn’t so much “shop”
as linger here to there
to see what calls imagination
out to play.


Translation: words
are the events our world
calls us with.


curled leaves gathered outside
the front door, crunch greetings
to all who pass through


Sleep-filled nights slip away
the way others do, 
leaving fewer traces.


as if moonlit skies
clear the air for morning’s light
its own place to play


the real reason for a poem
is that it says


where the guiding principle
of this tradition lies
is in question:


small songs, each a breath
of the larger stream

leave little left to sing
but the next


seeing your short-comings
in light of all that holds you close
just the same


before morning dew 
lifts its voice before 
sunlit skies take hold 

the day I hear

turns me that way

Friday, December 1, 2017

In passing

Trees touch fingers underground, 
tell things each other only know. 

Living’s way, the warmth 
of affirmation

in layered strokes, the prayer 
of reciprocal reach, 

the release of shared breath  
knowingly received.


i was told today meaning has no place
in poems—it’s what you have to present
that’s critical—the universe’s every wrinkle
and wink presenting fullest moments
every time—what small slice of that
might you voice today


like so many leaves shorn and blown 
circled and bunched

signal something to someone 
somewhere—poems too 

carry words this way


easy enough for me to say
old friend 

but i take heart that the masters
didn’t quibble

over challenges of old age

even creeping immobility
is the working of eternal

who then can talk 
of not walking —look there 

along the fence, morning 
glory ripples


call it first principle
if you will, call it whatever
you will, but watch and learn 
all the same

see that no one is hurt


this way comes to me 
as weightless as does page 
to finger tips 

as guide-less as light to eyes
and as sure—no oughts

only open-ended witness
of all that comes along


the greatest danger

is the presumptuous convenience
of indifference—distance
enough from the bothersome
breeds ignorance of others
enough to silence from us
their pain—that 
the most certain link
to the world at large 
there silenced too


these days, my days mostly begin 
with breath’s moves

with prayer-taken fingers
filling pages to edges 


to where words 

don’t go